2021 Awards


Best Probate Law Firm: Scotland

Winner: TC Young (Glasgow)

Highly Commended: Sturrock Armstrong Thomson

Best Probate Law Firm: Wales

Winner: Hugh James

Highly Commended: New Law

Best Probate Law Firm: North England

Winner: Ramsdens Solicitors LLP

Highly Commended: Chadwick Lawrence LLP

Best Probate Law Firm: Central England

Winner: Wright Hassall

Highly Commended: Pickerings (Tamworth)

Best Probate Law Firm: London & South-East

Winner: Brachers LLP

Highly Commended: Martin Tolhurst

Best Probate Law Firm: South England

Winner: Co-op Legal Services (Bristol)

Highly Commended: Charles Russell Speechlys

Best Young Wills and Probate Professional

Winner: Paige Gouldthorpe – Fosters Solicitors LLP

Highly Commended: Holly Radcliffe – Harrison Drury

Best Property Clearance Firm

Winner: Cullen’s Clearance Ltd

Highly Commended: Just Clear

Best Probate Research Paralegal

Winner: Amy Cox – Finders International

The Unsung Hero Award

Winner: Ilinca Mardarescu – Aston Bond

Highly Commended: Rachel Jones – Aston Bond

Best Community Contribution

Winner: The firm – Aston Bond

Highly Commended: Lorna Fleming – Finders International Ireland

Best Private Deputyship Firm

Winner: Bennett & Brown Deputyship Services

Highly Commended: Professional Deputies

Best International Probate Researcher of the Year

Winner: Amy Crabill Lay – American Global Heir Search

Highly Commended: Ryan Gregory – Finders International

Outstanding Achievement in International Probate Research

Winner: Jan-Mathis Holstein – GEN GmbH

Highly Commended: Antoine Djipka – ADD Associes

Best UK Probate Research Firm

Winner: Finders International

Highly Commended: Harrisons Harrisons Research & Genealogy

Best Human Interest Story

Winner: Amy Fabris – Story from Finders International

Best Probate Research Insurance Provider

Winner: AVIVA

2020 Awards

Best Probate Law Firm, Scotland: McClure Solicitors

Recognising the best support provided to probate researchers by a law firm. There are five awards for this category


Best Probate Law Firm, North of England: Ramsdens Solicitors


Best Probate Law Firm, Central England:  Wilson Browne


Best Probate Law Firm, South England: Irwin Mitchell 


Best Probate Law Firm, South East & London:  Martin Tolhurst Solicitors
Recognising the best support provided to probate researchers by a law firm. There are five awards for this category


Best Probate Law Firm, Wales: Hugh James Solicitors


Antoine Djipka from ADD Associés, France


Best Property Clearance Firm: Just Clear

Best Probate Research Paralegal (Presented by Amanda Hamilton from NALP) : Emma Bell of Finders International

Recognising an individual whose professional skills as a probate researcher and a licensed paralegal are distinguished as exemplary.


Best Probate Deputyship Firm: Owl Guardian Services


Best Human Interest Story:  Margaret Abbotts

Some stories uncovered by probate researchers touch people on an emotional level. It’s not about financial benefit, but about real-life stories and unexpected outcomes that are truly unique. This award recognises the most touching and heart-warming story of the year, emphasising the value for the role of probate researchers & solicitors.


Best International Probate Researcher:  Carmelo Guarino

Probate research often requires detailed knowledge and specialist skills in understanding research methods not just here in the UK but in other parts of the world where beneficiaries need to be located. This award went to the researcher who has a proven record of remarkable results.


Best Community Contribution (Presented by Adam Huttly from Red Inc) :  Tilly Bailey Irvine


Best Probate Research Insurance Provider: Aviva Legal Indemnities


Best UK Probate Research Firm: Danny Curran of Finders international

Recognising the firm who has consistently impressed with its results, standards and quality of service, committed to positively promoting the industry as well as being supportive to their clients.


2019 Awards

Best Probate Law Firm 2019

Recognising the best support provided to probate researchers by a law firm. There are five awards for this category

UK (Scotland) McClures Solicitors


UK (North) Ramsdens Solicitors


UK (Central) Blake Morgan Solicitors


UK (South) Coole Bevis Solicitors


UK (London) Blandy & Blandy Solicitors


Best International Probate Researcher of the Year 2019
Recognising an individual’s skill at their job

Ryan Gregory – Finders International

Ryan Gregory


Best Property Clearance Firm 2019
Awarded to a firm who can demonstrate compliance and excellence in this essential area of work

Just Clear



Best Probate Research Paralegal 2019
This Award is presented to an individual whose professional skills as a probate researcher and a licensed paralegal are recognised as exemplary.
Award Presented by Amanda Hamilton, CEO of NALP

Katie Watson – Finders International

Katie Watson

Best Human Interest Story 2019
Some stories uncovered by probate researchers touch people on an emotional level. It’s not about financial benefit, but about real-life stories and unexpected outcomes that are truly unique.
Award presented by David Stoch of Meerkat PR

Amy Cox (Finders International) & Lawrence Taylor



Best Community Contribution 2019
Recognising an individual/organisation that has made a considerable and special contribution to the community.

David Lockwood – Finders International

David Lockwood


Best Probate Research Insurance Provider 2019
Insurance companies cover risks against claims on estates. These risks are only accepted after an approved probate research firm has finalised their report. This award goes to the insurance company who provides the most efficient and effective cover in this specialised field.




Outstanding Achievement in International Probate Research 2019
Recognising an individual’s contribution to the industry.
Award Presented by Jez Frampton, Global CEO of Interbrand – a hugely successful international company that delivers exceptional results through branding and corporate strategies.

Jan-Mathis Holstein GEN (Germany)


Best Private Deputyship Firm 2019
Private Deputyship firms perform a vital role in safeguarding the affairs of vulnerable clients. This award honours an outstanding provider in this trusted and sensitive area of work.

Professional Deputies



Best UK Probate Research Firm 2019
Quite simply, this award goes to the firm who has consistently impressed with its results, standards and quality of service.

Finders International

Danny Curran